

无限易(InfiniTrader)是 量投科技(上海)股份有限公司 潜心打磨开发出的一款颜值爆表、功能强悍、符合新一代 FinTech 理念的交易客户端软件。

无限易功能介绍 PDF 文件
无限易(期货 + 期权) 查看及下载
无限易(证券 + 股票期权) 查看及下载


本篇操作手册为在线阅读版,您也可以 点击下载 PDF 手册(PDF 手册不再更新,最新功能请查阅在线说明)

视频:无限易入门培训 by 橘子

InfiniTrader is a new generation trading software with flexible interface and powerful functions developed by QuantDo Technology Co., Ltd.

InfiniTrader supports Derivatives and other markets,and allows users to customize the interface layout. InfiniTrader has efficient trading functions, such as Infinite Trader, Grid and Customized Spread, etc., which help to facilitate your personalized operations.

Download:English Version PDF.

Video:InfiniTrader function introduction

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